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Compare 10: How-to Videos

Learn key Workshare Compare 10 features with our bite-sized, how-to videos

How to view changes in your redline document

This short video will go through everything you need to know about viewing, and understanding, the changes that occur in your redline document.

How to launch a comparison from Outlook:

Quickly learn how to launch a comparison directly from your Outlook with Workshare Compare 10.


How to view changes in Compare for Excel:

In this video, we will quickly show you how to identify and view all changes that have occurred in any given cell or chart in your spreadsheet.

How to understand changes in Compare for Excel:

Compare for Excel clearly highlights the changes made to your spreadsheet by a user and the changes made automatically by Excel. This short video will show you how to understand the differences between the two.

For more information on how to use Workshare Compare 10, please see our Getting Started Guide

To watch more video content, please visit our YouTube channel




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