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Troubleshooting Article

There was a problem with the installation. internal Error 25000

Installation error 25000 can be resolved by checking for multiple versions of Office, and required Office package for Workshare compatibility

There was a problem with the installation. internal Error 25000.


Upon the installation of Workshare, one might be presented with the following error:

There was a problem with the installation. internal Error 25000.
Example of the error 25000


This error can be resolved by checking three things:
  1. Microsoft Office must first be installed before Workshare is installed.
  2. A fully supported version of Office must be installed. See http://workshare.force.com/knowledgebase/articles/Text_Article/System-requirements-for-Workshare-9-Windows for system requirements of the latest version of Workshare. If it is a prior version, please refer to the Installation Guide appropriate to the build. For example, if Office 2010 is installed, please ensure it is at least SP2.
  3. Check if there are any other versions of Office installed. If so, check they meet the support requirements of the build of Workshare being installed. For example, should one wish to install Workshare 9, and Office 2010 SP2 (supported) and Office 2003 (unsupported) are installed, please uninstall 2003 prior to Workshare installation.
PLEASE NOTE: After an uninstall of one version, an Office application should be run at least once before Workshare installation. Should the installation still fail, a repair on Office will resolve this.
Workshare Products
Operating Systems
Windows 10;Windows 7;Windows 8;Windows 8.1
Office Versions
Microsoft Office 2013;Microsoft Office 2010;Microsoft Office 2007;Microsoft Office 2003;Microsoft Office XP;Microsoft Office 2000;Microsoft Office 97



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