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Troubleshooting Article

Email address required

When a user tries to signs in to Workshare with their Microsoft work account credentials, they’ll see an error message if Workshare cannot find a primary SMTP address with a domain that matches the domain of their UPN.

Email address required. In order to access your Workshare account, you must have a working email address set up for your Microsoft work account. This email address must have the same domain name as your work account user name.


Each Workshare user account is tied to a unique email address. When a user clicks Sign in with Microsoft work account, they enter their Microsoft work user name, also known as their User Principal Name (UPN), and password.

Workshare looks up their UPN in Azure AD and finds the user’s primary SMTP address (proxyAddress attribute). Workshare then checks to ensure the domain of the primary SMTP address matches the domain of the UPN. If it does, Workshare uses the primary SMTP address as the unique email address for that user’s Workshare account. 

Note: If you are paying for an Exchange license, Exchange automatically provides an SMTP address for each of your users.

If the SMTP address cannot be found or if the domain of the SMTP address does not match the domain of the user’s UPN, the user sees this error message:

The error message says: "In order to access your Workshare account, you must have a working email address set up for your Microsoft work account. This email address must have the same domain name as your work account user name. Please contact your administrator." Below the message is an option that says: "Return to Sign in".
Note: This error message may also be displayed in the following circumstances: If you have created a completely new user in AD, it may take 10 to 50 minutes for their information to sync from AD to Azure AD. If the user tries to sign in to Workshare using “Sign in with Microsoft work account” during this time, they will see this error message. Simply wait 10 to 50 minutes, then try again.


If one of your users receives this error message, ensure that their primary SMTP is listed and has the same domain as their UPN.

Note: This procedure should be carried out by an Active Directory administrator.

To resolve this issue using Active Directory Users and Computers

  1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers.
  2. Locate the user and double-click their name.
  3. Go to the Attribute Editor tab.
  4. Locate proxyAddress and click Edit
 This is an image of the "Multi-valued String Editor" dialog box, which appears when you edit a user's proxy addresses in Active Directory. The proxy address are listed under "Values" in the dialog box.
The primary SMTP (if there is one) is listed in Values: and begins with "SMPT" in capital letters. Any proxy addresses for the user being with “smtp” in lowercase letters. If the email address you want to use as the primary SMTP is currently listed as a proxy address, select it and click Remove. You will re-add it as the primary SMTP in the next step.
  1. In the Value to add: field, enter “SMTP:[user’s primary email address]” (e.g. SMTP:elizabeth.morris@mintons.com) and click Add.
This image shows the "Value to add:" field. Inside the field is written: "SMTP:elizabeth.morris@mintons.com". To the right of the field is a button called "Add".
Note: “SMTP” must be written in capital letters to indicate that this is the primary address.
  1. Sync your Active Directory to Azure AD. 

To resolve this issue using the Office 365 admin center

  1. Sign in to Office 365 using your work account. 
  2. Go to the Office 365 admin center, click Home > Active users. The UPN is listed under User name in the second column. Take note of the domain of the UPN (e.g. mintons.com).
 This image shows the "User name" column found by going to Home > Active Users. The example shows the user name "adamb@mintons.com".
  1. Select a user. Their primary SMTP address is shown next to Email address. Ensure that the domain of the email address matches the domain of the UPN. To edit the email address, click Edit.
 This image shows a user selected in the Office 365 admin console. The first line in the user's profile is "Email address Adam.Bennet@mintons.com".
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