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Requirements for Automatic Change Notification

Learn how to configure your server or desktop client to support Workshare's Automatic Change Notification (ACN) feature.

If you installed Workshare 9.5 on a server (Citrix environments) or if ACN doesn't seem to be working as expected on a server or client, follow these steps to ensure your machine is configured to support ACN.

Note: Perform these steps on the server or client where Workshare 9.5 is installed.

1. Turn on Cached Exchange Mode

  1. Open Control Panel > Mail (32-bit).
  2. Click E-mail Accounts.
  3. Select your Exchange account (e.g. "Jeremiah.Woodward@mintonslaw.com").
  4. Click Change.
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  1. Under Offline Settings, check Use Cached Exchange Mode.
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  1. Click Next.
  2. Click Finish.

2. Enable the Microsoft Outlook indexing option for Windows

  1. Open Indexing Options (Start > Indexing Options).
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  1. Click Modify. Indexed Locations opens.
  2. Under Change selected locations, select Microsoft Outlook.
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Note: If Microsoft Outlook is not displayed under Change selected locations, either Cached Exchange Mode is off and you should go back and follow Step 1: Turn on Cached Exchange Mode or Outlook has not been indexed and you should rebuild the search index.
  1. Click OK.

3. Enable ACN in the Workshare Configuration Manager

  1. Open the Workshare Configuration Manager in User Mode (Start > Workshare Configuration (User Mode)).
Note: Settings applied in User Mode change the current user. If you want to make changes to the local machine or create a deployment script, you should now click Launch Administrator Mode in the Workshare Configuration Manager.
  1. Click Administration in the Comparison category.
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  1. Select Enable Attachment(s) Alert & Compare.
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Note: If you're in Administrator Mode, you can select the lock to the left of the option to prevent your users from changing it in User Mode.
  1. Click Apply. Your option is applied. A message is displayed to ask you to restart any Microsoft Office applications you have running.
Note: If you're in Administrator Mode and you want to save your configuration as a script, click Save. More information about saving deployment scripts can be found in the Workshare 9.5 Installation Guide.
  1. Close the restart message.
  2. Close the Workshare Configuration Manager.
  3. Restart any Microsoft Office applications you have open (such as Outlook, Word, Excel or PowerPoint).




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