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Modify the email template for the DLP violation notification

Learn to change the system email users receive when their email is blocked or bounced due to a DLP violation.

In Workshare Protect Server 3.11 onward, you can use a custom template for the DLP violation email.

Note: This feature does not apply to the general metadata cleaning receipt. 

    Create your custom template

    The CPN folder provides you with everything you need to get started.

    You can access at this location on your Protect Server: C:\Program Files\Workshare\Protect Server\Utilities\CPN

    The folder contains the following files:
    cpn.exeAn application you can run to see a preview of your email template. It produces a MSG file that can be opened in Outlook.
    violation.jsonA file that shows the policy violation data that Protect Server uses when generating email templates.
    template-html.hbsA sample HTML template. 
    template-txt.hbsA sample TXT template. 

    To create your custom template:
    1. Open the sample template in a text editor (like Notepad). Use template-html.hbs if your email system uses primarily HTML-based emails. Use template-txt.hbs if your email system uses primarily text-based emails.  
    2. Modify the template as required.
    Protect Server uses Handlebars (.hbs) for its templates, which combines HTML with embedded expressions. The embedded expressions are marked with {{ and }} on either side.

    Open violation.json to see all the expressions you can use in your template.

    Note: For Protect Server to successfully provide these values, the embedded expressions need to be left exactly as they're written in the sample templates and violation.json.
    1. Save your template with a new name and the .hbs extension. 

    To test your custom template:

    Open the command line and run the following command: 
    cpn.exe --data violation.json --html [HTML template] --txt [TXT template] --output [MSG file]
    A new .msg file is created with the name you specified for the output argument.

    Open the .msg file in Outlook to see a preview of the HTML template you specified for the html argument and a preview of the TXT template you specified for the txt argument.
    For example, running cpn.exe --data violation.json --html template-html.hbs --txt template-txt.hbs --output preview.msg produces a file called preview.msg that shows the following templates: template-html.hbs and template-txt.hbs.

    Enable template modification on Protect Server

    1. On the Protect Server, go to the following directory: C:\Program Files\Workshare\Protect Server\Dashboard
    2. Open the web.config file in a text editor (like Notepad).
    3. Locate the ShowAdvancedFeatures setting and change the value from False to True.
    4. Save web.config.
    5. Perform an IISReset. The setting is applied.

    Set your custom template as the default

    1. Open the Policy Setting page and click Settings.
    2. Under Email Notification Settings, click Choose File and select your email template. 
    Note: Disregard any additional setting that have popped up in your configuration screen.




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