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What version of Workshare do I have?
Learn how to find out which product version number and build number you're using.
What's the latest update for Workshare Professional?
Learn how to get the latest available update patch for Workshare.
What's Workshare Professional 8?
Professional 8
What's Workshare Compare 8?
Workshare Compare 8
What's Workshare Protect 8?
Workshare Protect 8
What languages can I compare with Workshare?
A useful list of the languages compared by Workshare Compare
What's Workshare Compare Online?
Learn what Workshare’s online comparison application is and how it works.
What's the difference between Workshare's Protect desktop and Protect Server products?
Find out the key differences between Workshare Protect desktop and Workshare Protect Server.
What's Workshare Professional 9?
Professional 9
What's the difference between Clean and Lightspeed Clean?
Learn the difference between the Clean and Lightspeed Clean actions in Workshare Protect.
What is the meaning of a self invite?
What does a self invite mean? How can one be self invited?
Supported Android platform versions
Learn which Android platform versions the Workshare mobile app supports
What keyboard shortcuts can I use with Compare 9
Professional/Compare 9
What is Interactive Protect?
Professional/Protect 9, 8
What's Workshare Protect 9?
Protect 9